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Saturday, May 19, 2012

I wanted to take the time to say a Speacial Thank you To the Canadain Coupon Trains Trades Group for sending  this awesume RAOK (random act of kindness) to me.  Now I am going to look as sexy as Madam Kim Kaat !
(tee hee)
She took the time to send me a nice Karma back for my Kindness ..
I know I am going to look good inside my heart and out side now ..
Cheers to CCTG and Madam Kim..
It does pay to do good to others and this is the proof.  Always do good in your trades and in your trains, Take the Time to thank your group Leaders, they too need love and encouragment and Thank you goes a long way.  And don't let it end there, try a little RAOK and do a give away in your group (of course with your leaders permission)  Do a contest and offer some of your overstoked coupons as a way of giving back appreciation to your group.  I am sure you group would love this and your team leader.. (take some of that stress off them)  :)
Awe But Thanks Again Kim

Do you have a Group., Fanpage, blog, website you would like me to report on ? Why not contact me, I would love to give a brag on you ..
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